Open cities fallout 4
Open cities fallout 4

open cities fallout 4

Henry David Thoreau begins his stay at Walden Pond cabin as part of a transcendentalist experiment. President James Monroe proposes the Monroe Doctrine. Nicephore Niepce makes major breakthrough in photoengraving, a predecessor of photography. Uisce Beatha company begins distilling whiskey. The new Massachusetts State House is completed, intended to house the state government. The Constitution of the United States is drafted.įort Independence is named at a ceremony presided over by President John Adams. The Declaration of Independence is signed, splitting the newly formed United States of America from King George III and Great Britain. Thirteen North American colonies rebel against Great Britain, beginning the Revolutionary War. Lieutenant Colonel Smith marches with 700 British soldiers to Concord, setting in motion the events leading to the American Revolution. Paul Revere purchases the home that would later be situated on the Freedom Trail.

open cities fallout 4

The Boston Massacre takes place outside of the Old State House. The Soil Stradivarius violin is created by the Italian craftsman Antonio Stradivari.įrench merchant Peter Faneuil donates building to the city of Boston, subsequently named Faneuil Hall. The Great Fire of 1711 takes place in Boston. The structure that would later serve as Paul Revere's home is built.īoston's first newspaper, Publick Occurrences, is published.Īndrew Endicott is abducted by aliens from his home in Salem.Ĭabot House is established in Boston, Massachusetts. The Granary Burying Grounds are established. Two English settler ships, the "Ark" and the "Dove," land near Point Lookout. Pre-War To 1700 Pre-War timelineĪdena Native Americans live in Appalachia. Please follow merging directions carefully. References waiting to be vetted and merged into the table are found here. Dates mentioned in non-canon sources are found on the timeline here.

open cities fallout 4

The following is a timeline of Fallout events.Įvents below must be specifically referenced by date in-game and appropriate references added for each.

open cities fallout 4

For birthdates in canon sources, see birthdates.

Open cities fallout 4